Question What is the difference between a stamped tool and a drop forged tool?

Precision stamped Micro-Shear® flush cutters have more in common with precision drop forged tools than with conventional drop forged tools. Let us explain:
The most obvious difference between drop forged and stamped tools is that the blank shape of a drop forged tool is created from hot metal whereas a stamped tool does not require heat at this stage. Beyond this point the differentiation becomes less distinct.
In conventional drop forging a crude, basic shape is created. With precision drop forging a more refined shape with reference points for subsequent grinding operations is created. Conventional drop forged tools typically then undergo hand-guided grinding operations. With precision drop forged tools these grinding operations are usually done with computer controlled machines utilizing the reference marks on the blank.
When we manufacture precision stamped Micro-Shear® flush cutters a refined shape, complete with reference points for our computer controlled grinding operations, is generated in the stamping process.
All tools, regardless of the method of manufacture, have to be heat treated and in the electronics industry return springs and cushion grips are required. The distinction between drop forged and stamped tools is further blurred since, due to the high density areas electronics pliers are required to be able to work in, one of the more popular head configurations on drop forged tools is the "relieved head" On these tools additional grinding operations remove additional head stock to reduce the tools profile, thereby increasing access and maneuverability. The result of all this additional work is a head shape very similar to the standard Xuron Micro-Shear® flush cutter.