Xuron (zoorh-on).
When I consider the questions I am most frequently asked, “how do you pronounce the company name?” is at the top of the list. Pretend the X is a Z and say it, Xuron!
Making the Most of Your Xuron® Tools
Although winter doesn’t officially start until December 21st (for those of us in the northern hemisphere), here in Maine winter arrived several weeks ago with snow and cold temperatures.
As a follow up to our previous blog post about our Rover Mask™ , today, we’ll discuss best practices for cold weather storage and shipping.
Chapter 2 of Our Awesome Weekend of Beads
There are a lot of things I like about a trade show but one of the most enjoyable is having the opportunity to meet new people and catch up with old friends. Yes, we’re all there to do business but the importance of the social component cannot be underestimated.