Xuron (zoorh-on).
When I consider the questions I am most frequently asked, “how do you pronounce the company name?” is at the top of the list. Pretend the X is a Z and say it, Xuron!
Once we master the pronunciation, the next question is usually, “what does it mean?” Our company founder likes to joke that the name Xuron is Greek for oatmeal cookie — we know this isn’t true, but it always make us laugh. In reality, we think it is derived from a Greek word for sharp instrument…. but, this has not been independently confirmed by a Greek!
What we know for certain is that, in the early 1970s, when trying to come up with a name for their hand tool company, our founder and his then business partner, wanted something that sounded high tech and unique. Unique it is — the name XURON® is now a registered trademark belonging to Xuron Corporation and recognized worldwide as the brand name for our Micro-Shear® flush cutters, pliers, scissors and specialty products.
Photo by Cheryl Rau Photography
Thank you for the updates and tool chart. I do have a question regarding photo etched stainless steel products. Will your tools designed for brass etchings work for the SS materials without damaging the tools.
Thank you for this question. I don’t immediately know the answer but can find out. Do you know what thickness? Thank you!