Who knew that 3D printing and Xuron® tools would go together so well? I didn’t until I visited the Maine Fab Lab and saw the 3D printing process in action and learned exactly how helpful a Xuron® Model 170-II Micro-Shear® Flush Cutter and a Model 450 TweezerNose™ Pliers can be for a variety of tasks.
3D Printing, also known as Fused Filament Fabrication, is now very ‘mainstream’ and has proven to be a fast and effective way for manufacturers to create product prototypes. 3D printers are also used for educational purposes (think engineering, science, math) as well as by the millions of makers who are creating unique and innovative new products.
Before being fed into the extruder, the print medium, or filament, should be trimmed so the end is flat and it can feed properly — this is the perfect task for our Model 170-II Cutter (it cuts cleanly with no burr). After printing, the parts need to be cleaned and support materials removed.
Our Model 450 TweezerNose™ Pliers does the job.

After my visit to the Maine Fab Lab, I was delighted to see that Hunter (my tour guide) designed and printed hooks to hold the essential Xuron® tools for use at each printer!

Xuron® tools are available worldwide though our network of Authorized Distributors. Contact us for a listing of Distributors in your area.